Competitive payout terms, sell more, make more.

Use 30-day cookies which exceed industry standards, allowing for a longer, better chance of getting a commission.

Sell to customers in 26+ countries and regions. Earn commission from home.
How Do I Earn Commission?

Apply for the affiliate program

Share an affiliate link

Earn an 8% commission from the purchase of the link you shared
Do not hesitate to join us!
From websites to social media accounts, we welcome all forms of Affiliates as listed below.
- YouTube
- Blogs
- Product review sites
- News websites
- Industry Portal
- Forum/community
- An influencer on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Reddit, etc.
- and more!
Don't hesitate to apply for our program and establish win-win cooperation with us.

For any questions regarding our affiliate program,
contact us at affiliate@akasotech.com.
contact us at affiliate@akasotech.com.

Competitive payout terms, sell more, make more.

Use 30-day cookies which exceed industry standards, allowing for a longer, better chance of getting a commission.

Sell to customers in 26+ countries and regions. Earn commission from home.
How Do I Earn Commission?

Apply for the affiliate program

Share an affiliate link

Earn an 8% commission from the purchase of the link you shared
Do not hesitate to join us!
From websites to social media accounts, we welcome all forms of Affiliates as listed below.
- YouTube
- Blogs
- Product review sites
- News websites
- Industry Portal
- Forum/community
- An influencer on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Reddit, etc.
- and more!
Don't hesitate to apply for our program and establish win-win cooperation with us.

For any questions regarding our affiliate program,contact us at